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Summer Safety

These healthful "Radio Tips"
are excerpted from
Dr. Roberts' Sunday morning radio program.

Even minor injuries can have major consequences to the spinal bones and nervous system. The reason is that outside forces from accidents overcome the strength of the spine and cause bones of the spine to misalign causing nerve irritation.

Let’s learn how specific summertime sports trigger vertebral subluxations and cause back problems.

One of the most common injuries associates with water skiing are tears to the hamstring muscles. A research study showed how water skiing novices hurt their hamstrings (back of the thigh) by trying a submerged water take off, extending their knees as the boat accelerates, causing the ski tips to submerge, causing sudden deceleration of the legs as the body is pulled forward, pulling the hamstrings. Also, holding onto the tow rope causes neck, arm, shoulder and back problems.

Roller coasters and other body-jarring rides at amusement parks can create a whiplash, just like what occurs in an automobile accident. The sudden jerking of these rides cause the head to move in one way and the body to move in the opposite direction, causing tears in the muscles and ligaments. A 1996 study however, showed that of patients with chronic whiplash syndrome who received chiropractic care, 93% improved.

Generally, biking is safe, however children or beginners can injure themselves on the handlebars. The injury of most concern is blunt abdominal trauma to the spleen, liver, pancreas, kidneys or bowel. The most important fact that researchers found was that lack of bruising was not a reliable indication of injury. Also, be sure to wear protective gear, especially a helmet.

For adults, the most important thing is to warm up before biking and train for long rides, otherwise our muscles will suffer. Padded gloves can help reduce carpal tunnel syndrome and wrist problems.

Whether you use an indoor facility or climb a real mountain, rock climbing is a great workout. The most common injury, affecting approximately 50% of climbers, involves the arms, shoulder and hands, especially the hand and wrist. What helps is taping the fingers and weight training to increase upper body strength.

The most common injury during swimming is impingement of the shoulder, caused by overuse or poor technique. The injury affects the rotator cuff tendons. Swimming in lakes or rivers can mean diving in, and it is important to know the depth of the water before jumping or diving in. The cervical spine can be injured causing injury to the spinal cord and paralysis.

Whatever your sport or recreation during the summer, warm-up, train-up, and be moderate in your activities. If you are injured and pain does not improve on its own within a few days, make an appointment with your chiropractor for a spinal exanimation.

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Mariposa Family Chiropractic
Anthony E. Roberts, D.C.
4877 Ashworth Road
Mariposa, CA  95338

Tel: (209) 966-4442


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