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Is it the cause of degenerative disease?

These healthful "Radio Tips"
are excerpted from
Dr. Roberts' Sunday morning
radio program.


The newest research into the cause of many diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and Rheumatoid Arthritis is linked to inflammation in the body that goes out of control.

Under normal circumstances inflammation in our bodies is a normal and necessary response to fight a foreign protein (like a splinter in our finger), or a bacteria, virus or a parasite. However, with some people the inflammation process does not run its course and turn off, but continues and becomes chronic; the body in effect turns on itself. What we see in chronic inflammation is that the heart arteries become inflamed at the sight of cholesteral deposits, or nerve cells in the brains of Alzheimer victims become chronically inflamed.

The theory is that our modern diet and life style with a diet high in sugars and saturated fats accompanied by little or no exercise is linked to our body’s response to chronic inflammation.

Our body’s response to bacteria, viruses or foreign proteins is our basic immune response. As soon as there is an injury or a bacteria gets into our body there is a cascade of events that occurs to destroy the invader.

  1. Mast Cells in our tissue sense that presence of a foreign body and release histamines and cytokines that alert the body that something is wrong. Also, injured capillaries (tiny arteries) develop leaks that allow other immune cells to rush into the sight of trauma.
  2. The Macrophage cells at the injury sight attack bacteria and damaged cells using toxic chemicals like nitric oxide.
  3. Neutrophiles, other blood cells, engulf and destroy bacteria and damage tissue and lymphocytes and intensify the immune response.
  4. When the bacteria and damaged tissue is eliminated, our platelet blood cells form clots and close the wound.

When things go wrong, the healing response is not activated and there is continuous inflammation; or the macrophages chew up the cholesterol deposits in the coronary arteries and damage the artery; or glial cells destroy neurons in the brain.


  • Aspirin is being looked at again as an effective way to control inflammation in the brain’s of Alzheimer patients.
  • Statins drive down levels of some inflammatory proteins.
  • Beta blockers and ACE inhibitors (blood pressure medication) may lower inflammatory factors.
  • Omega 3 oils (from fish) and chondroitin sulphate have an effect to reduce inflammation.


Some people have an inflammatory response that goes out of control, especially at the site of the heart arteries, the brain or the joints, causing severe damage. There are good health habits that can reduce these abnormal responses, such as regular exercise, a diet rich in Omega 3 oils, colorful fruits and vegetables and avoiding saturated fats.


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Mariposa Family Chiropractic
Anthony E. Roberts, D.C.
4877 Ashworth Road
Mariposa, CA  95338

Tel: (209) 966-4442


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